Notice: The SHOP in the MENU has two different categories for the same
collection: Gallery & Shop
• Gallery is used to browse the collections of art pieces ONLY.
• Click on a piece to go to Expanded Mode to see the description.
At the bottom of the page click on the line GO to page Insitu * of
the piece.
On the top lef t of the Insitu page click on Shop To purchase an item
On the top right of the Insitu page click on~ Gallery button Go back to browse
• However, one can also go directly from Gallery page to Shop page
bv clicking on Shop button to select the piece to purchase.
Notice: Canvas sections do NOT have a Shop category yet.
In the meantime, if you are interested., in purchasing a piece
please click contact button on the main MENU OR
In the Expanded Mode page right handside of the description
Click either Go to Pago CONTACT
Click on the X on the right top page to leave the
Expanded Mode page
and go to the MENU and open the CONTACT section
Make sure you fill in your First/Last name / email / &
The name of the piece you are considering to purchase